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Mae Woven

Styling Our Pillows in Your Home

Styling Our Pillows in Your Home

We often receive questions from customers about styling our pillows in their homes. To help answer these, we've gathered our favorite tips and tricks to find your style and apply it to your home. We believe that by representing yourself in your decor, you'll feel more at home in your space.

We love using our handwoven pillows as a simple way to switch up the style of any space. Pillows add warmth, increase livability, and help express your unique style in your home.

When developing your personal style, ask yourself these questions:

1)   How do I dress? Do I like a lot of color and pattern?

2)   Do I like to match things (match shoes and purse, etc.)? Am I more comfortable using a matching set of dishes or do I like to mix it up?

3)   Do I like many decorative elements or do I prefer more minimalist and simple style?

Once you've determined your style, you'll know what works best for you and your home.

Here are a few tips and tricks to help you get started:

MONOCHROMATIC / If you love to mix patterns and styles, selecting pillows that have the same predominant colors can help the combination feel more cohesive.


MIXING TEXTURES / Mixing textures is a great way to bring visual interest into any space. We love mixing pillows of different colors and patterns for a playful spin on traditional home decor. You can achieve a more minimalist look by mixing textures that have similar patterns or predominant colors.


MIXING SIZES / Create dimension in your space by mixing pillows of different sizes on sofas, beds, or benches. We love throwing in a lumbar (or two!) to complement the larger, square pillows!


A FEW OR MANY  / When it comes to the quantity of pillows, you can't go wrong. A single pillow on the end of a sofa can be a beautiful statement and a collection of pillows on your couch can create a comfy composition. 


Happy styling!

-The Mae Woven Team

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